Cover of Dating Vegans.Here comes Valentine’s Day, a reminder that sharing a meal with a loved one — or potential loved one — is a key bonding / togetherness activity. But if that food is vegan, it’s also food for thought. And maybe even food for change.

That’s why Anne Dinshah wrote Dating Vegans. In the book she often asks a prospective beau for three favorite ingredients. Then she builds a vegan meal that he will especially enjoy. Or in the case of Brad, accepts the challenge to change Brussels sprouts from hated nemesis to tasty treat with Brussels Sprout Curry with Red Quinoa.

Improvising dishes may be child’s play to the woman who literally grew up in The Vegan Kitchen (the first vegan-titled U.S. cookbook, authored by her mother, Freya). But not everybody has that kind of expertise, no matter how much they want to impress their date.

Fortunately, Anne Dinshah has made it easier for everybody by stocking Dating Vegans with simple yet amazing recipes. Sure, as the subtitle says, there are plenty of anecdotes and ruminations that are indeed “recipes for relationships.” But there are also very practical, accessible food-based recipes for those just getting into cooking, and some showpieces too.

Some vegans are happy to fall in love with another vegan, and eating only plants is one of their main requirements in a relationship. But as Dinshah notes in the book, “Vegans date nonvegans because there are 99 times more people from which to choose.” Since the book’s publication, it’s more like 50 times as many, but you get the point. There’s still an imbalance. So it’s a question of comfort level for each person.

Whatever is your preference, you can’t go wrong with recipe tips for heartwarming dishes. Dating Vegans is for everybody who’s in a relationship or thinking about it. Whether you’re vegan-curious or “vegansexual” — the type to say “Lips That Touch Liver Will Never Touch Mine” — or whether you’re a vegan who “reaches across the aisle” to date nonvegans, there’s info here sure to please any and all.

Order it today from the AVS bookstore!