Ahimsa lights the way










Judges Announced for 2024 Vegan Cheesesteak Finals

Judges Announced for 2024 Vegan Cheesesteak Finals

The team at Best Vegan Cheesesteak in Philly is happy to announce our judging panel for the final judging event and celebration Sunday October 20 starting at 3 pm at the Philadelphia Ethical Society! In alphabetical order, they are: Gretjen Clausing, executive...

We should stop imposing our gender inequalities on animals

We should stop imposing our gender inequalities on animals

If humans want to be sustainable, we’ve got to divest from customs and businesses that treat animal life as commodities. This blog entry is the fourth in a series, as we look at each of the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The fifth goal is “Gender Equality.”

Healthy Vegan Desserts with a Southern Twist

Healthy Vegan Desserts with a Southern Twist

By Marcus Pitts As a business owner, father, and vegan, my decision to adopt a fully plant-based diet was driven by a variety of factors: health, wealth, and longevity. After watching the documentary What The Health and doing further research, I realized that animal...

“In my humble view, life is far too short and the call to service too loud and clear to waste time and energy in the pursuit of a fat wallet and a fatter paunch.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Whatever we are to do, we must always use the powers of love and compassion never
the negative forces of hatred and selfishness

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Vegans see animals as free entities in nature, not slaves or vassals, nor as chattel, pieces of goods to be bought and sold.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“While animal exploitation continues, we cannot hope to see real peace on Earth.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“In the United States—an influential and affluent country—we have a moral
responsibility to do as much as we can because we have access to a great bounty of plant-food choices.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Ahimsa is the compassionate way of life.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“If we permit ourselves to be bogged down in the pursuit of material things, there will probably be very little time and energy left for doing the truly important things in life.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Every sincere and earnest seeker
comes upon many moments of truth in a lifetime.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“We refrain from creating the demand for the products of animal exploitation that keep the whole engine of destruction going.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Ahimsa is the Sanskrit word for nonkilling, noninjuring, and nonharming. Far from mere passiveness, it is a positive method for meeting the dilemmas and decisions of daily life.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“There is nothing humane
about any creature’s untimely slaughter.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“To understand the feelings and thoughts of another we need compassion. To adequately assess another’s circumstances and be motivated to render meaningful assistance, we should attempt to walk in the shoes, hooves, paws, or fins of another to see things from another angle and viewpoint.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Wisdom is the ability to put the
knowledge we have understood into practice in our daily lives.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Life can be a worthwhile experience of development for all who partake of it; there is no such thing as worthless life.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“The Golden Rule does not set up a system of favors granted for goods delivered or works performed. It lights the path for us; it guides us to a superior way of acting.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Good that is done for the sake of self-gain defeats its own purpose insofar as the doer is concerned: good done for its own sake should be the rule, rather than the exception in life.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“It is not by drifting downstream with the current of popular thought that we attain what is really worthwhile in life. It is by swimming upstream against the rush of current opinion, when such current leads in the wrong direction such as over the falls of selfishness, greed, or injustice.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Whatever others may wish to do,
we must resolve in our own hearts that we will persevere in doing the right thing even if we stand alone in doing it.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Dynamic harmlessness means to go
through life doing the least amount of harm, hurting, killing, as possible; and it means to do the most amount of helping, assisting, and benefiting of others as possible.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“How is it that we humans declare ourselves the sole authority and arbiter of what is due all other creatures and what we may expect of them? These creatures are considered lower in nature’s scale of life, but it is a scale created by humans.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“How is it that we humans declare ourselves the sole authority and arbiter of what is due all other creatures and what we may expect of them? These creatures are considered lower in nature’s scale of life, but it is a scale created by humans.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Veganism is a way of living guided by ahimsa and reverence for life.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Vegans recognize the value of life in all living creatures and extend to them the compassion, kindness, and justice in The Golden Rule.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“An animal has feelings, an animal has sensitivity, an animal has a place in life, and the vegan respects this life that is manifest in the animal.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“It is easily seen that humanity has imposed a wrongful domination and system of exploitation upon the animals who are used by us for food, clothing, and more.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Animal exploitation fosters in us a moral taint, a spiritual bondage, an unconscious guilt complex, and repressed sensitivities, all of which retard and inhibit our higher development.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“We dare not hope for peace if we are at war with ourselves, if we have no harmony, no tranquility, and no order in our lives.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Let us attain an inner calmness, a sense of duty and purpose, and a certainty of where we are—and where we wish to go—before we look for peace in the world .”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“If we all established these attributes–calmness, sense of purpose, and certainty of path–in ourselves, we would not have much else to do to attain peace on a global scale.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Those of us who can do more—such as
go vegan—should do more.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“The foundation for veganism is the inner alteration from selfishness to altruism, from ‘What’s in it for me?’ to ‘What can I do for you?”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“With a change of thinking to “What can I do for you?” what we eat or wear is not burdensome but integral to a compassionate lifestyle”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

“Ahimsa is ‘dynamic harmlessness’, which encourages nonviolent action to create positive changes.”

-H. Jay Dinshah, AVS founder

56 Dinshah Drive, Malaga NJ 08328   856.694.2887
Copyright © 1960-2024

AVS is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 226058533. All donations made to the American Vegan Society are tax deductible in accordance with applicable law..

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