April 11, 2024
6:00 pm
American Vegan Center
Lee Hall
#2 in the Vegan Ethics Speaker Series
Environmental Law scholar Lee Hall studies human contribution to climate change and environmental degradation. In this presentation, Lee will examine the significant role that animal domestication for food has played in altering the lives of those animals as well as its effect on free-living animal populations worldwide.
Les notes that “the planet’s systems and places sustain living communities on their terms. With that understanding, could living in small spaces, spending time under trees, releasing ourselves from the attachment to artificial things, or becoming a committed pedestrian all be elements of vegan action?”
Lee Hall holds an environmental law degree with a focus on climate change from Vermont Law School. Lee Hall has taught animal law and defended living communities and their habitats. Now an independent writer and advocate, Lee created the Studio for the Art of Animal Liberation on Patreon, situated at the intersection of animal liberation and vegan ethics. is also the author of On Their Own Terms: Animal Liberation for the 21st Century, a book examining humans’ relationship to free-living animals.
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