Ahimsa lights the way
There is an old saying among charitable organizations, ‘Give ’til it hurts!’ This I am not saying for there is already too much hurting and suffering in this world. I say, ‘Give ’til it helps.’ — H. Jay Dinshah
Make a difference today! Take the opportunity to support the longest-running national vegan organization in the U.S.
Your financial assistance helps AVS’ outreach programs, website, events, videos, social media, pilot projects, campaigns, and much more!
You can do a one-time donation, make an annual or monthly pledge, get a life membership, or fund a specific project.
For larger amounts, checks are preferred due to credit card or online fees that are deducted.
Send to: American Vegan Society, PO Box 369, Malaga NJ 08328
AVS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN #226058533
*Contributions are tax deductible when no goods or services are received.
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56 Dinshah Drive, Malaga NJ 08328 856.694.2887
Copyright © 1960-2025
AVS is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 226058533. All donations made to the American Vegan Society are tax deductible in accordance with applicable law..