By naming American Vegan Society (AVS) in your will or making AVS a beneficiary to your retirement plan, bank account, or other estate plan, you can help continue our superb work promoting veganism and creating a better world for animals — not just for our lifetimes, but for generations to come. These gifts are designed to help you, your family, and AVS.


Ask your attorney or trusted financial adviser to help you find the best type of planned gift for your situation, which may include naming AVS in your will through a bequest or as a beneficiary in a retirement plan, bank account, or charitable trust. Please note that AVS staff cannot provide any legal advice.

By including AVS as a beneficiary in your will or living trust, you can leave a meaningful legacy of compassion for animals (and possibly receive tax benefits now). Once you’ve chosen the most appropriate type of bequest for your legacy gift, please supply your executor, attorney, or other advisor with the following information:

American Vegan Society, 56 Dinshah Drive, Malaga NJ 08328.
AVS is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 226058533.

Check out different types of bequests and sample language to include in your bequest below:

Specific Bequest

A specific bequest names a specific dollar amount to be donated or inherited. This is the most popular form of bequest. Gifts of specific properties may be uniquely appropriate bequests both for tax and other reasons. During the administration of an estate, specific bequests are satisfied first. Thus, if the estate cannot support all of the bequests made in a will, recipients of specific bequests are more likely to inherit than other estate beneficiaries.

Please note that any estate/property left to American Vegan Society, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) must be sold by the executor or other parties. AVS cannot accept gifts of property or other items that would require us to sell the items to receive cash.

Percentage Bequest

A percentage bequest sets a specific percentage, e.g., 15% of the value of an estate. A percentage bequest is beneficial, since it allows American Vegan Society, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) to participate in any estate growth during your lifetime. This type of planned gift also protects other beneficiaries or heirs should the estate decrease in value.

Residual Bequest

A residual bequest names as a donation any assets remaining after all other specific bequests, taxes, and estate expenses have been satisfied.

Contingency Bequest

A contingency bequest identifies a recipient in the event that a prior recipient cannot receive or refuses a bequest.

Sample Language to Include in a Bequest

An Unrestricted Gift

“I give and bequeath to American Vegan Society, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, headquartered in Malaga, New Jersey, the sum of $___________ in furtherance of its tax-exempt mission.”

“I give and bequeath to American Vegan Society, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, headquartered in Malaga, New Jersey, _________ % of my estate in furtherance of its tax-exempt mission.”

“I give and bequeath to American Vegan Society, 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, headquartered in Malaga, New Jersey, the property described herein in furtherance of its tax-exempt mission.”

Bequest for a Specific Purpose

“I give and bequeath to American Vegan Society (AVS), a nonprofit 501(c)(3), a nonprofit corporation, headquartered in Malaga, New Jersey, the sum of $______ [or ______% of my estate] to be used for [specific purpose, e.g. the American Vegan Center]. If, in the opinion of the board of directors of AVS, the income or principal cannot be used for the express purpose described herein, the organization may use the principal or income for a different but related purpose that best serves the intent of this bequest.”


Although a bequest is a very personal affair, we’d like the opportunity to thank you personally and acknowledge you as a part of the AVS family. Please let us know of your intention to include AVS  in your will or trust, or you may ask your attorney to inform us. Please reach us by email at or by mail at 56 Dinshah Drive, Malaga NJ 08328.

The information provided here is general in nature. Please contact your professional tax advisor and/or attorney to learn how these options may relate to your individual circumstances. AVS is a 501(c)(3)  nonprofit organization with a solid record of fiscal responsibility and conservation achievement for over 60 years. All gifts may have tax-deductible benefits and will help promote veganism to help animals, the environment, and humans.