How Alfoncie Austin’s Basic 4 Started a Vegelution – Philadelphia

Event Date:

October 8, 2023

Event Time:

2:00 pm

Event Location:

American Vegan Center

Alfoncie Austin with her signature sweet potato pies.

Alfoncie Austin.


In 1981, Alfoncie B. Austin started Basic 4 Vegetarian Snack Bar in the Reading Terminal Market. She also started a “vegelution,” showing Philly visitors and regulars how delicious vegetarian and vegan food could be, laying the groundwork for our city’s amazing vegan dining scene.

A trained nutritionist, she made her own seitan, forming it into familiar formats like corned beef, baloney and cheesesteaks, all more healthful than their traditional counterparts. A pioneer of what are now called “alt-meats,” Austin was also renowned for her sweet potato pies.

Right there with her throughout was her daughter, Lisa Tynes, who will tell the story of Basic 4 at this special event at 2 pm on October 8th. Attendees will have the opportunity to sample some of the foods that made Alfoncie B. Austin a true Philadelphia icon.


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Event Location:

  • American Vegan Center
  • 17 N. 2nd St.
  • Philadelphia
  • PA
  • 19106
  • USA

Event Schedule Details

  • October 8, 2023 2:00 pm   -   3:30 pm
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